A constant challenge of algorithmic trading systems is the execution of the decision to buy or sell. Computer systems have come a long way in the past decade, but as yet, they cannot rival the ability of an experienced human trader to execute trades at the right time. Execution is a day traders fortè. So
how can you improve your analysis?
Use machine learning to make better decisions
Machine learning for trading the market is not reserved for algorithmic systems. Professional day traders can see a drastic improvement in profit from the use of artificial intelligence. How? We’ll tell you.
When macroeconomic information is released such as non-farm payroll, your reaction to the information is dependant on a number of factors. You must be tuned in to the right information, ensuring your attention is optimally delegated. You rely on your own brain and your own memory of how that market has behaved in the past to determine the importance of the event you’re looking at and the market reaction.
This kind of analysis can currently only be done by the trader, at your trading station. When so many factors compete for your attention, the natural cerebral limits of the human brain make it impossible to compute and interpret data as well as a computer.
Get more accurate, actionable information
Machine learning can power your day trading strategy. BetterTrader is an application to use at your terminal and on your mobile that will enhance your decision ability. More information and more useful information is crucial to outperform your colleagues.
BetterTrader provides real-time trading insights. It works intuitively and fits into your terminal with your other tools seamlessly.
What are we doing here
When an event is released, our computer system’s algorithms interpret the data using historical analysis, and compute the information you really need, displayed very simply, so you can act instinctively.
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